Why grandparents are so important

Why grandparents are so important

August 24, 2020

Grandparents hold a special place in our lives and hearts. The role a grandparent plays in family dynamics varies, especially when they live far from their loved ones or have health-related obstacles. But if the COVID pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that staying connected to loved ones is important—and it doesn’t have to be difficult. Read more for how grandparents can make an impact in the lives of their grandchildren and other younger family members. 

They offer a peek into the past 

Kids can only learn so much about the past from a textbook, movie or teacher. Hearing what life was like during certain periods of history can be an eye-opening opportunity for younger generations. The first-hand stories of surviving hardships, forming relationships and finding successes can offer a unique perspective into family history—and grandchildren can often learn that they have a lot more in common with older generations than they think. 

They contribute to children’s wellbeing 

In a 2008 study, the University of Oxford found that a high level of grandparent involvement had a positive effect on the wellbeing of children—and those benefits were even more impactful for families that have experienced divorce or separation. The results indicated that grandparents provided support and advice to help children navigate tough times, thus improving their problem-solving skills. 

They have fun in unique ways 

Younger generations are known for their obsession with technology, but engaging with grandparents can give them new forms of entertainment separate from video games and phones. Whether it’s a card game they used to play with their friends or a family-favorite board game, grandparents can show kids that having fun the old-fashioned way is just as captivating. 

The positive influence of grandparents on childrens’ lives is undeniable. The wisdom, guidance and companionship they provide will leave a lasting memory on the grandchildren for generations to come. If a grandparent you care about is ready for senior living in the Lehigh Valley, Heather Glen Senior Living is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about the services and amenities we offer, including the 24/7 care team, wellness programs, dining options and more. 

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